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Universe Collections

The universe Default Collection File is used to create collections based on popular Movie universes (such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Wizarding World).

Requirements & Recommendations

Supported Library Types: Movie & Show

Collections Section 040

Collection Key Description
Universe Collections separator Separator Collection to denote the Section of Collections.
Alien / Predator avp Collection of Movies in the Alien / Predator Universe
Arrowverse arrow Collection of Movies in the The Arrow Universe
DC Animated Universe dca Collection of Movies in the DC Animated Universe
DC Extended Universe dcu Collection of Movies in the DC Extended Universe
Fast & Furious fast Collection of Movies in the Fast & Furious Universe
In Association with Marvel marvel Collection of Movies in the Marvel Universe (but not part of MCU)
Marvel Cinematic Universe mcu Collection of Movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Middle Earth middle Collection of Movies in the Middle Earth Universe
The Mummy Universe mummy Collection of Movies in the The Mummy Universe
Rocky / Creed rocky Collection of Movies in the Rocky / Creed Universe
Star Trek trek Collection of Movies in the Star Trek Universe
Star Wars Universe star Collection of Movies in the Star Wars Universe
View Askewverse askew Collection of Movies in the The View Askew Universe
Wizarding World wizard Collection of Movies in the Wizarding World Universe
X-Men Universe xmen Collection of Movies in the X-Men Universe


The below YAML in your config.yml will create the collections:

      - default: universe
  TV Shows:
      - default: universe

Template Variables

Template Variables can be used to manipulate the file in various ways to slightly change how it works without having to make your own local copy.

Note that the template_variables: section only needs to be used if you do want to actually change how the defaults work. Any value not specified will use its default value if it has one if not it's just ignored.

Variable Lists (click to expand)
  • File-Specific Template Variables are variables available specifically for this Kometa Defaults file.

  • Shared Template Variables are additional variables shared across the Kometa Defaults.

  • Shared Separator Variables are additional variables available since this Default contains a Separator.

Variable Description & Values
sync_mode Description: Changes the Sync Mode for all collections in a Defaults file.
Default: sync
syncAdd and Remove Items based on Builders
appendOnly Add Items based on Builders
sync_mode_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the Sync Mode of the specified key's collection.
Default: sync_mode
syncAdd and Remove Items based on Builders
appendOnly Add Items based on Builders
collection_order Description: Changes the Collection Order for all collections in a Defaults file.
Default: custom
releaseOrder Collection by Release Dates
alphaOrder Collection Alphabetically
customOrder Collection Via the Builder Order
Any plex_search Sort OptionOrder Collection by any plex_search Sort Option
collection_order_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the Collection Order of the specified key's collection.
Default: collection_order
releaseOrder Collection by Release Dates
alphaOrder Collection Alphabetically
customOrder Collection Via the Builder Order
Any plex_search Sort OptionOrder Collection by any plex_search Sort Option
minimum_items Description: Controls the minimum items that the collection must have to be created.
Default: 2
Values: Any number
name_mapping_<<key>>1 Description: Sets the name mapping value for using assets of the specified key's collection.
Values: Any String
imdb_list_<<key>>1 Description: Adds the Movies in the IMDb List to the specified key's collection.
Values: List of IMDb List URLs
mdblist_list_<<key>>1 Description: Adds the Movies in the MDBList List to the specified key's collection. Overrides the default mdblist_url for that collection if used.
Values: List of MDBList List URLs
trakt_list_<<key>>1 Description: Adds the Movies in the Trakt List to the specified key's collection. Overrides the default trakt_url for that collection if used.
Values: List of Trakt List URLs
data Description: Overrides the default data dictionary. Defines the data that the custom dynamic collection processes.
Values: Dictionary List of keys/names
append_data Description: Appends to the default data dictionary.
Values: Dictionary List of keys/names
remove_data Description: Removes from the default data dictionary.
Values: List of keys to remove
exclude Description: Exclude these Universes from creating a Dynamic Collection.
Values: List of Universes
  1. Each default collection has a key that when calling to effect a specific collection you must replace <<key>> with when calling.
Variable Description & Values
language Description: Set the language of Collection Names and Summaries
Default: default
Values: default (English), fr (French), or de (German)
use_all Description: Turns off all Collections in a Defaults file.
Values: false to turn off the collection
use_<<key>>1 Description: Turns off individual Collections in a Defaults file.
Values: false to turn off the collection
name_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the name of the specified key's collection.
Values: New Collection Name
summary_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the summary of the specified key's collection.
Values: New Collection Summary
collection_section Description: Changes the sort order of the collection sections against other default collection sections. (Use quotes to not lose leading zeros "05")
Values: Any number
sort_prefix Description: Changes the prefix of the sort title.
Default: !
Values: Any String
sort_title Description: Changes the sort title of all collections.
Default: <<sort_prefix>><<collection_section>><<pre>><<order_<<key>>>><<title>>
Values: Any String
name_mapping Description: Changes the name_mapping of all collections.
Default: <<title>>
Values: Any String with <<key_name>> in it.
order_<<key>>1 Description: Controls the sort order of the collections in their collection section.
Values: Any number
collection_mode Description: Controls the collection mode of all collections in a Defaults file.
defaultLibrary default
hideHide Collection
hide_itemsHide Items in this Collection
show_itemsShow this Collection and its Items
ignore_ids Description: Set a list or comma-separated string of TMDb/TVDb IDs to ignore in all collections.
Values: List or comma-separated string of TMDb/TVDb IDs
ignore_imdb_ids Description: Set a list or comma-separated string of IMDb IDs to ignore in all collections.
Values: List or comma-separated string of IMDb IDs
minimum_items Description: Set the number of minimum items for a collection to be created for all collections.
Values: Any number greater than 0
minimum_items_<<key>>1 Description: Set the number of minimum items for a collection to be created for the specified key's collection.
Values: Any number greater than 0
schedule Description: Set the schedule for all of the collections in a Defaults file.
Values: Any Scheduling Option
schedule_<<key>> Description: Set the schedule for a specific key's collection.
Values: Any Scheduling Option
delete_collections_named Description: Used to delete any collections in your plex named one of the given collections.
Values: List of Collection Names to delete
url_poster Description: Changes the poster url for all collections.
Values: URL directly to the Image
url_poster_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the poster url of the specified key's collection.
Values: URL directly to the Image
file_poster Description: Sets the poster filepath for all collections.
Values: Filepath directly to the Image
file_poster_<<key>>1 Description: Sets the poster filepath of the specified key's collection.
Values: Filepath directly to the Image
url_background Description: Sets the background url for all collections.
Values: URL directly to the Image
url_background__<<key>>1 Description: Sets the background url of the specified key's collection.
Values: URL directly to the Image
file_background Description: Sets the background filepath for all collections.
Values: Filepath directly to the Image
file_background__<<key>>1 Description: Sets the background filepath of the specified key's collection.
Values: Filepath directly to the Image
visible_library Description: Controls visible on Library Recommended Tab for all collections in a Defaults file. (Only works with Plex Pass)
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
visible_library_<<key>>1 Description: Controls visible on Library Recommended Tab of the specified key's collection. (Only works with Plex Pass)
Default: visible_library
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
visible_home Description: Controls visible on Home Tab for all collections in a Defaults file. (Only works with Plex Pass)
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
visible_home_<<key>>1 Description: Controls visible on Home Tab of the specified key's collection. (Only works with Plex Pass)
Default: visible_home
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
visible_shared Description: Controls visible on Shared Users' Home Tab for all collections in a Defaults file. (Only works with Plex Pass)
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
visible_shared_<<key>>1 Description: Controls visible on Shared Users' Home Tab of the specified key's collection. (Only works with Plex Pass)
Default: visible_shared
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
radarr_upgrade_existing Description: Override Radarr upgrade_existing attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
radarr_upgrade_existing_<<key>>1 Description: Override Radarr upgrade_existing attribute of the specified key's collection.
Values: true or false
radarr_monitor_existing Description: Override Radarr monitor_existing attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
radarr_monitor_existing_<<key>>1 Description: Override Radarr monitor_existing attribute of the specified key's collection.
Values: true or false
radarr_add_missing Description: Override Radarr add_missing attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
radarr_add_missing_<<key>>1 Description: Override Radarr add_missing attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: radarr_add_missing
Values: true or false
radarr_folder Description: Override Radarr root_folder_path attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: Folder Path
radarr_folder_<<key>>1 Description: Override Radarr root_folder_path attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: radarr_folder
Values: Folder Path
radarr_search Description: Override Radarr search attribute or all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
radarr_search_<<key>>1 Description: Override Radarr search attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: radarr_search
Values: true or false
radarr_tag Description: Override Radarr tag attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
radarr_tag_<<key>>1 Description: Override Radarr tag attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: radarr_tag
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
item_radarr_tag Description: Used to append a tag in Radarr for every movie found by the builders that's in Radarr for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
item_radarr_tag_<<key>>1 Description: Used to append a tag in Radarr for every movie found by the builders that's in Radarr of the specified key's collection.
Default: item_radarr_tag
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
sonarr_upgrade_existing Description: Override Sonarr upgrade_existing attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
sonarr_upgrade_existing_<<key>>1 Description: Override Sonarr upgrade_existing attribute of the specified key's collection.
Values: true or false
sonarr_monitor_existing Description: Override Sonarr monitor_existing attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
sonarr_monitor_existing_<<key>>1 Description: Override Sonarr monitor_existing attribute of the specified key's collection.
Values: true or false
sonarr_add_missing Description: Override Sonarr add_missing attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
sonarr_add_missing_<<key>>1 Description: Override Sonarr add_missing attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: sonarr_add_missing
Values: true or false
sonarr_folder Description: Override Sonarr root_folder_path attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: Folder Path
sonarr_folder_<<key>>1 Description: Override Sonarr root_folder_path attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: sonarr_folder
Values: Folder Path
sonarr_search Description: Override Sonarr search attribute or all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
sonarr_search_<<key>>1 Description: Override Sonarr search attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: sonarr_search
Values: true or false
sonarr_tag Description: Override Sonarr tag attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
sonarr_tag_<<key>>1 Description: Override Sonarr tag attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: sonarr_tag
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
item_sonarr_tag Description: Used to append a tag in Sonarr for every series found by the builders that's in Sonarr for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
item_sonarr_tag_<<key>>1 Description: Used to append a tag in Sonarr for every series found by the builders that's in Sonarr of the specified key's collection.
Default: item_sonarr_tag
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
  1. Each default collection has a key that when calling to effect a specific collection you must replace <<key>> with when calling.
Variable Description & Values
use_separator Description: Turn the Separator Collection off.
Values: false to turn of the collection
sep_style Description: Choose the Separator Style.
Default: orig
Values: amethyst, aqua, blue, forest, fuchsia, gold, gray, green, navy, ocean, olive, orchid, orig, pink, plum, purple, red, rust, salmon, sand, stb, or tan
sort_prefix Description: Changes the prefix of the sort title.
Default: !
Values: Any String
sort_title Description: Changes the sort title of all collections.
Default: <<sort_prefix>><<collection_section>>_!<<title>>
Values: Any String
placeholder_tmdb_movie Description: Add a placeholder Movie to the Separator. Only valid for Movie libraries.
Values: TMDb Movie ID
placeholder_tvdb_show Description: Add a placeholder Show to the Separator. Only valid for Show libraries.
Values: TVDb Show ID
placeholder_imdb_id Description: Add a placeholder Movie/Show to the Separator. Valid for Movie or Show libraries assuming the ID points to an item of the correct type.
Values: IMDb ID
name_separator Description: Changes the name of the specified key's collection.
Values: New Collection Name
summary_separator Description: Changes the summary of the specified key's collection.
Values: New Collection Summary
collection_section Description: Changes the sort order of the collection sections against other default collection sections.
Values: Any number
collection_mode Description: Controls the collection mode of all collections in a Defaults file.
defaultLibrary default
hideHide Collection
hide_itemsHide Items in this Collection
show_itemsShow this Collection and its Items
url_poster_separator Description: Changes the poster url of the specified key's collection.
Values: URL directly to the Image
Example Template Variable Amendments

The below is an example config.yml extract with some Template Variables added in to change how the file works.

Click the icon to learn more

      - default: universe
          sep_style: salmon #(1)!
          collection_order: release #(2)!
          radarr_add_missing: true #(3)!
            monster: MonsterVerse #(4)!
          trakt_list_monster: #(5)!
  1. Use the salmon Separator Style
  2. Sort the Universe collections by release date
  3. Send missing items in your library from the source lists to Radarr
  4. Create a new universe called "MonsterVerse", the key for this universe will be "monster"
  5. Add a trakt list to the "monster" key

Default Values

These are lists provided for reference to show what values will be in use if you do no customization. These do not show how to change a name or a list.

If you want to customize these values, use the methods described above.

Default data (click to expand)
  avp: Alien / Predator
  arrow: Arrowverse
  askew: View Askewniverse
  dca: DC Animated Universe
  dcu: DC Extended Universe
  fast: Fast & Furious
  marvel: In Association With Marvel
  mcu: Marvel Cinematic Universe
  middle: Middle Earth
  rocky: Rocky / Creed
  trek: Star Trek
  star: Star Wars Universe
  mummy: The Mummy Universe
  wizard: Wizarding World
  xmen: X-Men Universe
Default Template Variabletrakt_url (click to expand)
Default Template Variablemdblist_url (click to expand)