Local Walkthrough¶
This article will walk you through getting Kometa set up and running. It will cover:
- Retrieving the Kometa code
- Installing requirements
- Setting up the initial config file
- Setting up a collection file and creating a couple sample collections.
The specific steps you will be taking:
- Verify that Python 3.8 or better is installed and install it if not
- Verify that the Git tools are installed and install them if not
- Use
to retrieve the code - Install requirements [extra bits of code required for Kometa]
Gather two things that the script requires:
- TMDb API Key
- Plex URL and Token
Then, iteratively:
- use
to run the script - use a text editor to modify a couple of text files until you have a working config file and a single working collection file.
- use
Note that running a Python script is inherently a pretty technical process. If you are unable or unwilling to learn the rudiments of using tools like python and git, you should probably strongly consider running Kometa in Docker. That will eliminate the Python and git installs from this process and make it as simple as it can be.
If the idea of editing YAML files by hand is daunting, this may not be the tool for you. All the configuration of Kometa is done via YAML text files, so if you are unable or unwilling to learn how those work, you should stop here.
Finally, this walkthrough is intended to give you a basic grounding in how to get the script running. It doesn't cover how to create your own collections, or how to add overlays, or any of the myriad other things Kometa is capable of. It provides a simple "Getting Started" guide for those for whom the standard install instructions make no sense; presumably because you've never run a Python script before.
Nearly anywhere you see
That’s a command you’re going to type or paste into your terminal (OSX or Linux) or Powershell (Windows). In some cases it's displaying output from a command you've typed, but the difference should be apparent in context.
This walkthrough is going to be pretty pedantic. I’m assuming you’re reading it because you have no idea how to get a Python script going, so I’m proceeding from the assumption that you want to be walked through every little detail. You’re going to deliberately cause errors and then fix them as you go through it. This is to help you understand what exactly is going on behind the scenes so that when you see these sorts of problems in the wild you will have some background to understand what’s happening. If I only give you the happy path, then when you make a typo later on you’ll have no idea where that typo might be or why it’s breaking things.
I am assuming you do not have any of these tools already installed. When writing this up I started with a brand new Windows 10 install.
This walkthrough involves typing commands into a command window. On Mac OS X or Linux, you can use your standard terminal window, whether that's the builtin Terminal app or something like iTerm. On Windows, you should use PowerShell. There are other options for command windows in Windows, but if you want this to work as written, which I assume is the case since you've read this far, you should use Powershell.
This walkthrough is assuming you are doing the entire process on the same platform; i.e. you're installing Kometa and editing its config files on a single Linux, Windows, or OS X machine. It doesn't account for situations like running Kometa on a Linux machine while editing the config files on your Windows box.
Prepare a small test library [optional]¶
While going through this process, Kometa is going to load the movies in your library, create some collections, and apply some overlays. If you have a large library, this will be very time-consuming.
For learning and testing, you would be well-advised to create a small test library of a reasonable size, where reasonable it probably below a thousand.
The author has a small library of 10 movies that is used for fast tests.
For best results with this walkthrough, your test library will contain:
- At least two comedy movies released since 2012.
- At least two movies from the IMDB top 250.
- At least two movies from IMDb's Popular list.
- At least two movies from IMDb's Lowest Rated.
- A couple different resolutions among the movies.
That will ensure there's something to go into each of the example collections that will be created.
The advantage of the small test library is that it will reduce the time needed to see results. Running some of these default collections against a library of a few thousand movies can take hours, and for iterative testing it's useful to have something that will run in a few minutes or seconds.
You can set up a test library like this using symlinks without copying files.
Starting up your terminal.¶
Since most of this is typing commands into a terminal, you'll need to have a terminal open.
If your Linux system is remote to your computer, connect to it via SSH. That SSH session is the terminal you will be using, so leave it open.
If you are running this on a desktop Linux machine, start up the Terminal application. That window will be the terminal you will type commands into throughout this walkthrough, so leave it open.
Open the Terminal app; this window will be the place you type commands throughout this walkthrough, so leave it open. The Terminal app is in Applications -> Utilities.
You can also use iTerm or some other terminal app if you wish. If you don't know what that means, use Terminal.
Use the Start menu to open PowerShell. This will be the window into which you type commands throughout this walkthrough, so leave it open.
Installing Python.¶
In order to run a Python script. the first thing you'll need is a Python interpreter. This is typically already present on Linux and Mac, but will probably have to be installed on Windows.
First let's check if it's installed already [type this into your terminal]:
If this doesn't return 3.8.0
or higher, you'll need to get Python 3 installed.
Describing a python install for any arbitrary linux is out of scope here, but if you're using Ubuntu, this might be useful.
Follow the instructions here: Installing Python 3 on Mac OS X
Before installing Python, try again without the 3
for python3
in the couple places it appears below.
Go to http://www.python.org/download and download the next-to-latest minor version of Python for Windows in 32 or 64-bit as appropriate for your system [probably 64-bit]. As this is written, that's 3.10, while the latest is 3.11.
Why the next-to-latest?¶
There is one dependency [lxml
] that lags behind new Python releases; this will cause a failure when installing requirements in a moment if the newest Python version is too new [at time of writing the current is 3.11, and the requirements install fails on the lxml library]. You can avoid this by using the next-to-latest release. At some point this will no longer be a problem, but that is outside the control of Kometa.
Once downloaded, run the installer. Tick “Add to path” checkbox at the bottom and click “Install Now”.
For Windows 10, you will need to enable scripts in PowerShell. Follow the instructions here to do so. If you skip this step you're going to hit a hard stop in a moment.
Installing git¶
To copy the Kometa code to your machine, we'll be using git. This may be installed on Mac or Linux, and probably isn't in Windows.
First let's check if it's installed already [type this into your terminal]:
If this doesn't return a version number, you'll need to get git installed.
The git install is discussed here: Download for Linux and Unix
The git install is discussed here: Git - Downloading Package
Download the installer from here
Run the install; you can probably just accept the defaults and click through except for the step that asks you to choose an editor; you probably want to choose something other than the default there:
This install comes with its own command line interface. Do not use this interface in this walkthrough. Continue to do everything here in Powershell.
Retrieving the Kometa code¶
Now we're going to use git
to make a copy of the code on your local computer.
Clone the repo into your home directory and go into that directory [type this into your terminal]:
NOTE: The rest of this walkthrough assumes you are staying in this directory in this terminal/Powershell window.
IMPORTANT: In the future, when you want to run Kometa at the command line, you have to be in this directory.
When you open a command window to run Kometa, the first step will always be:
There are parts of the code that are assuming and expecting that you will be in this directory when you run Kometa [the fonts used in overlays are one example]. Be sure that you are always in this directory when you run Kometa.
What did that do?
This changes to your home directory, which will be something like `/home/yourname` or `/Users/yourname` or `C:\Users\YourName` depending on the platform. This uses `git` to make a copy of (`clone`) the Kometa code from where it is stored on `github`. This moves into the directory that was created by the `clone` command.Later on you can move it elsewhere if you want, but for now put it there. This will ensure that everything to follow works just like it says here. Presumably you’re reading this because the other docs are unclear to you. Don’t make unilateral changes to my assumptions while doing this.
Why use git instead of downloading the release ZIP?
Retrieving the code with `git` makes updating simpler. When you want to update to the newest version, you can go into this directory and type: No need to download a new ZIP, decompress it, etc. Also, if you are asked to [or want to] switch to the latest develop or nightly code, you can do so with:Setting up a virtual environment¶
This walkthrough is going to use a "virtual environment", since that provides a simple way to keep the requirements for a given thing self-contained; think of it as a "sandbox" for this script. It also provides a clean way to recover from mistakes, and keeps the host system clean.
[type this into your terminal]
If you see an error like: You probably need to make sure the Python 3.9-specific virtualenv support library is installed: [type this into your terminal] Then try the original venv command above again.[type this into your terminal]
If you see:Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution Aliases.
What did that do?
This tells Python3 to use the `venv` module to create a virtual environment called `kometa-venv`. The only visible effect will be the creation of a `kometa-venv` directory.That command will not produce any output if it works; it will display an error if a problem occurs. If everything is fine, you will be looking at something like this:
If you aren't looking at an error, you're ready to move on.
That will create the virtual environment, and then you need to activate it:
[type this into your terminal]
If you see something like this:.\kometa-venv\Scripts\activate : File C:\Users\mroche\Kometa\kometa-venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink LinkID=135170.
At line:1 char:1
+ .\kometa-venv\Scripts\activate
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess
You will need to take care of that before moving on. Follow the instructions here.
Once you have done that, try the activation step again.
That command will not produce any output if it works; it will display an error if a problem occurs.
You may see a change in your prompt, something like this:
Note that the prompt now shows the name of the virtual environment. You may not see this; it's dependent on your terminal configuration, not anything to do with Python or Kometa.
What did that do?
This tells Python to make the virtual environment "active", which means to use the copy of python that is available there, install all support libraries there, etc. This keeps the Kometa code and its runtime environment totally separate from your host machine's environment.An advantage of doing this in a virtual environment is that in the event something goes wrong with this part of the setup, you can delete that kometa-venv directory and do the setup again.
IMPORTANT: In the future, when you want to run the script, you will need to do this "activation" step every time. Not the venv creation, just the activation:
Installing requirements¶
Kometa, like every other Python script, depends on support libraries that manage things like connections to Plex, or getting things from the internet, or writing files and so on.
These support libraries are called “requirements”, and they are defined in that file called requirements.txt
. To install them, type the following command [type this into your terminal]:
You should see something like this [I’ve removed a few lines for space, and the specific versions may have changed since this was captured]:
Collecting PlexAPI==4.7.0
Downloading PlexAPI-4.7.0-py3-none-any.whl (133 kB)
|████████████████████████████████| 133 kB 821 kB/s
Collecting tmdbv3api==1.7.6
Downloading tmdbv3api-1.7.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (17 kB)
Installing collected packages: urllib3, idna, charset-normalizer, certifi, six, ruamel.yaml.clib, requests, tmdbv3api, tenacity, ruamel.yaml, tenacity, PlexAPI, pillow, pathvalidate, lxml, arrapi
Running setup.py install for tenacity ... done
Running setup.py install for arrapi ... done
Successfully installed PlexAPI-4.7.0 arrapi-1.1.3 certifi-2021.10.8 charset-normalizer-2.0.7 idna-3.3 lxml-4.6.3 pathvalidate-2.4.1 pillow-8.3.2 requests-2.26.0 tenacity-8.3.0 ruamel.yaml-0.17.10 ruamel.yaml.clib-0.2.6 tenacity-8.3.0 six-1.16.0 tmdbv3api-1.7.6 urllib3-1.26.7
WARNING: You are using pip version 21.1.3; however, version 21.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/Users/mroche/Kometa/kometa-venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Don't worry about the WARNING about pip version thus-and-such
if it comes up.
`Encountered error while trying to install package.`
If you see an error that ends in something like this:
building 'lxml.etree' extension
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools": https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/
[end of output]
note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
error: legacy-install-failure
× Encountered error while trying to install package.
╰─> lxml
What did that do?
This told Python to use the `pip` module to install some libraries that Kometa needs.Let’s make sure it’s working so far.
[type this into your terminal]
This is going to fail with an error, which you will then fix.
You should see something like this:
That error means you don’t have a config file, but we at least know that the requirements are in place and the script can run.
Create a directory to quiet an error later¶
The default config file contains a reference to a directory that will show an error in the output later. That error can safely be ignored, but it causes some confusion with new users from time to time.
We'll create it here so the error doesn't show up later.
Setting up the initial config file¶
Next you’ll set up the config file. This tells Kometa how to connect to Plex and a variety of other services.
Before you do this you’ll need:
- TMDb API key. They’re free.
- Plex URL and Token
There are a bunch of other services you can configure in the config file, but these two are the bare minimum.
Getting a TMDb API Key¶
Note that if you already have an API key, you can use that one. You don’t need another.
Go to https://www.themoviedb.org/. Log into your account [or create one if you don’t have one already], then go to “Settings” under your account menu.
In the sidebar menu on the left, select “API”.
Click to generate a new API key under "Request an API Key". If there is already one there, copy it and go to the next step.
There will be a form to fill out; the answers are arbitrary. The URL can be your personal website, or probably even google.com or the like.
Once you’ve done that there should be an API Key available on this screen. If you see v3 and v4, you want the v3 key.
Copy that value, you’ll need it for the config file.
Getting a Plex URL and Token¶
The Plex URL is whatever URL you’d use from this machine to connect directly to your Plex server [i.e. NOT app.plex.tv].
As with the TMDb API Key, if you already have a Plex Token, you can use that one.
This article will describe how to get a token: Finding an authentication token
Editing the config template¶
First, make a copy of the template. This is going to create a copy of the base template that you can then edit. You only need to do this once.
Now open the copy in an editor:
[type this into your terminal]
I’m using nano
here mostly because it’s simpler than any other editor on Linux.
If you see something like:
You need to install nano
, which you would do with:
[type this into your terminal]
You can use any other text editor you wish, provided it saves files as PLAIN TEXT. vi
, emacs
, etc.
[type this into your terminal]
I’m using nano
here simply because it’s built into OSX. You can use any other text editor you wish, provided it saves files as PLAIN TEXT. BBedit, TextMate, VSCode, etc.
A common mistake is using TextEdit.app, which saves files as RTF by default.
From here on in, when this walkthrough says "open the config file", I mean this nano
or notepad
command. Don't copy the template again.
Scroll down a bit and update the three things you just collected; Plex URL, Plex Token, and TMDb API Key.
plex: # Can be individually specified per library as well
url: http://bing.bang.boing <<< ENTER YOUR PLEX URL HERE
timeout: 60
clean_bundles: false
empty_trash: false
optimize: false
language: en
Now scroll up and look at the top section:
## This file is a template remove the .template to use the file
libraries: # This is called out once within the config.yml file
Movies: # Each library must match the Plex library name
- default: basic # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
- default: imdb # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
remove_overlays: false # Set this to true to remove all overlays
- default: ribbon # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
TV Shows:
- default: basic # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
- default: imdb # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
remove_overlays: false # Set this to true to remove all overlays
- default: ribbon # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- default: basic # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
- default: anilist # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- file: config/Music.yml # This is a local file THAT YOU MIGHT CREATE
- default: playlist # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
You will ultimately need an entry here for each of the libraries on which you want Kometa to act. Those top-level elements [Movies, TV Shows, Anime, Music] are names of libraries on your Plex server.
For now, delete the “TV Shows”, “Anime”, and "Music" sections from the config file and change the name of the “Movies” section to “Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY":
The top bit of your config file should now look like this:
- default: basic # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
- default: imdb # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- default: playlist # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
This is intended to cause an error for illustration that you will then fix.
Be very careful with the indentation and ensure it looks exactly like the above; each line indented using two spaces, NOT TABS, with playlist_files:
all the way over on the left. Indentation is significant in YAML.
Testing the config file¶
Save the file:
If you're using nano
, type control-x
, then y
, then the enter key.
If you're using nano
, type control-x
, then y
, then the enter key.
If you're using notepad
, type control-s
or choose Save
from the File
Then run Kometa again:
[type this into your terminal]
I’ve removed some of the lines for space, but have left the important bits:
| Starting Run|
| Locating config...
| Using /Users/mroche/Kometa/config/config.yml as config
| Connecting to TMDb...
| TMDb Connection Successful
| Connecting to Plex Libraries...
| Connecting to Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY Library... |
| Plex Error: Plex Library Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY not found |
| Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY Library Connection Failed |
| Plex Error: No Plex libraries were connected to |
You can see there that Kometa found its config file, was able to connect to TMDb, was able to connect to Plex, and then failed trying to read the “Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY" library, which of course doesn’t exist.
Open the config file again and change "Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY" to reflect your own Movie library in Plex.
Say my Movies library is called “All The Movies", so mine looks like this:
All The Movies: ## <<< CHANGE THIS LINE
- default: basic # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
- default: imdb # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
At this point, the top bit of your config file should look like this:
- default: basic # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
- default: imdb # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- default: playlist # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
has been replaced by the name of your movie library as shown in Plex ["All The Movies" here]:
Creating a few sample collections¶
Kometa provides an extensive collection of "default" collection files.
These files provide a simple way for you to create collections based on franchises or awards or actors, etc.
The default config links to two of them, these two lines in your config file:
- default: basic # <<< THIS LINE
- default: imdb # <<< THIS LINE
- default: playlist
The first will create:
- Newly Released
- New Episodes [TV libraries only]
The second will create:
- IMDb Popular
- IMDb Top 250
- IMDb Lowest Rated
So let's run Kometa and see this happen:
[type this into your terminal]
Depending on the size of the library, this may take a while.
As it builds the collections, you should see a fair amount of logging about which movies are being added and which ones aren’t found. Once it completes, go to Plex, go to your Movies library, and click “Collections” at the top.
On my test library, this created four collections. You may see fewer depending on what specific movies are in that library.
Perhaps you can do everything you want in terms of collections [award collections, actor collections, genre collections, franchise collections, etc] with the defaults. You can investigate what they can provide under the "Defaults" heading at the top of this wiki.
Setting up a collection file and creating a sample collection¶
If the default collection files do not allow you to create the collections you want, you can define your own collections in your own collection files to do whatever you like within the capabilities of Kometa. We will create a simple collection that will contain 20 comedy movies released since 2012.
First, open the collection file [this will create the file if it doesn't already exist]:
In this file, add the following, exactly as it is shown here; remember that spacing is significant in YAML files:
Save the file:
If you're using nano
, type control-x
, then y
, then the enter key.
If you're using nano
, type control-x
, then y
, then the enter key.
If you're using notepad
, type control-s
or choose Save
from the File
Next, add a reference to this file to your config file.
Open the config file again and add the last line shown below:
All The Movies:
- default: basic
- default: imdb
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- file: config/Movies.yml ## <<< ADD THIS LINE
That line needs to match the path you used when you created the file a moment ago. If you are copy-pasting these commands, it does.
Save the file:
If you're using nano
, type control-x
, then y
, then the enter key.
If you're using nano
, type control-x
, then y
, then the enter key.
If you're using notepad
, type control-s
or choose Save
from the File
Then run Kometa again:
[type this into your terminal]
You should see that the collection file gets loaded:
As it builds the collection, you should see a fair amount of logging about which movies are being added and which ones aren’t found. Once it completes, go to Plex, go to your Movies library, and click “Collections” at the top.
You should see the new collection:
When you click into each, you’ll see the movies that Kometa added to each collection.
Each time you run the script, new movies that match the collection definitions will be added. For example, if you don’t have “The ShawShank Redemption” now, when you download it and run Kometa again it will be added to the IMDB 250 collection.
Adding Overlays to movies¶
The default collection files include a set of overlays you can add to your posters.
We'll add resolution overlays to the movies in this library as an example.
Open the config file again and add the last three lines shown below:
All The Movies:
- default: basic # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
- default: imdb # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- file: config/Movies.yml
remove_overlays: false ## <<< ADD THIS LINE
overlay_files: ## <<< ADD THIS LINE
- default: resolution ## <<< ADD THIS LINE
Save the file:
If you're using nano
, type control-x
, then y
, then the enter key.
If you're using nano
, type control-x
, then y
, then the enter key.
If you're using notepad
, type control-s
or choose Save
from the File
Then run Kometa again:
[type this into your terminal]
While it runs this time you should see the previous collections go by pretty quickly, since they aren't changing, and then a lot of logging as Kometa decides which overlays apply to which movies.
This may take quite a while depending on the size of this library.
Eventually, you'll see it start applying overlays to all your movies:
| Applying Overlays for the All The Movies Library |
| |
| 10 Cloverfield Lane | Overlays Applied: 4K-HDR |
| 10 Minutes Gone | Overlays Applied: 4K-HDR |
| 10 Things I Hate About You | Overlays Applied: 4K-HDR |
| 12 Mighty Orphans | Overlays Applied: 4K-HDR |
| 12 Monkeys | Overlays Applied: 4K-DV |
| 12 Strong | Overlays Applied: 4K-HDR |
When it finishes, go to the Library tab in this library in Plex:
What comes next:¶
If you want to remove those overlays, open the config file, change the value of remove_overlays
to true
, and rerun Kometa.
If you want to remove those collections, open the config file, remove or comment out [add #
to the beginning] any or all of those lines under collection_files
, and delete the collections manually from Plex.
All The Movies:
# - default: basic # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# - default: imdb # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
# - file: config/Movies.yml
remove_overlays: false
- default: resolution
Edit Movies.yml
to reflect the actions you want Kometa to perform on your libraries.
TV Shows and other libraries work the same way as you've seen above. Create a section under libraries:
in the config.yml, refer to default files or create a collection file, define collections, run the script.
Investigate the rest of the wiki to learn about everything Kometa can do for you.
Runtime and Environment Flags¶
The command in this walkthrough will run all collections and libraries immediately. If you want to modify that behavior to run just one or some collections, or just one library, or just overlays or the like, review the Run Commands & Environment Variables.
Creating Collections, Overlays, Playlists, etc.¶
These things are all generally defined in collection files that are referred to in the config file. The starting point for creating these files is here.
When you are done, deactivate the virtual environment:
[type this into your terminal]
Other Topics¶
The commands you've been using in this walkthrough run Kometa immediately then quit.
Kometa also features multiple layers of scheduling, which you can leverage to control when various activities take place.
- You can run Kometa in the background, telling it to wake up and process your libraries at fixed times during the day. The default behavior in this regard is to wake up at 5AM and process the config. If you leave the
off the commands you have been using in this walkthrough, that's what will happen.
You can control when Kometa wakes up with the time-to-run env-var/runtime flag.
- You can skip using that internal schedule and just do manual runs as you have been doing throughout this walkthrough using standard tools available in your OS.
Details on setting this up are found here.
- In addition, individual items within the configuration can be scheduled to take place at certain times provided Kometa is running at that time. For example, you can tell Kometa only to apply overlays on Tuesdays or the like. You can then schedule manual runs every day at noon and overlays will only get processed when it runs on Tuesday. This sort of schedule will not make Kometa start up if it is not already running. If you don't arrange for Kometa to be run on Tuesday, your overlays would never be processed in this example.
Details on this level of scheduling are found here
I want to update to the latest version of Kometa¶
[type this into your terminal]
[type this into your terminal]
I want to use the develop branch¶
[type this into your terminal]
[type this into your terminal]
I want to use the nightly branch¶
Follow the instructions for the develop
branch above, substituting nightly
for develop
I want to use the master branch¶
Follow the instructions for the develop
branch above, substituting master
for develop
The installation of requirements every time is probably overkill, but it's harmless and ensures that you always get any new versions or new requirements.