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Audio/Subtitle Language Flags Overlay

The languages Default Overlay File is used to create an overlay of a flag and ISO 639-1 Code based on the audio/subtitle languages available on each item within your library.

Requirements & Recommendations

Supported library types: Movie & Show

Supported Audio/Subtitle Language Flags

Audio/Subtitle Languages Key Weight Default Flag Default Use
English en 610 us
German de 600 de
French fr 590 fr
Spanish es 580 es
Portuguese pt 570 pt
Japanese ja 560 jp
Korean ko 550 kr
Chinese zh 540 cn
Danish da 530 dk
Russian ru 520 ru
Italian it 510 it
Hindi hi 500 in
Telugu te 490 in
Farsi fa 480 ir
Thai th 470 th
Dutch nl 460 nl
Norwegian no 450 no
Icelandic is 440 is
Swedish sv 430 se
Turkish tr 420 tr
Polish pl 410 pl
Czech cs 400 cz
Ukrainian uk 390 ua
Hungarian hu 380 hu
Arabic ar 370 eg
Bulgarian bg 360 bg
Bengali bn 350 bd
Bosnian bs 340 ba
Catalan ca 330 es
Welsh cy 320 uk
Greek el 310 gr
Estonian et 300 ee
Basque eu 290 es
Finnish fi 280 fi
Tagalog tl 270 ph
Filipino fil 265 ph
Galician gl 260 es
Hebrew he 250 il
Croatian hr 240 hr
Indonesian id 230 id
Georgian ka 220 ge
Kazakh kk 210 kz
Kannada kn 200 in
Latin la 190 it
Lithuanian lt 180 lt
Latvian lv 170 lv
Macedonian mk 160 mk
Malayalam ml 150 in
Marathi mr 140 in
Malay ms 130 my
Norwegian Nokmål nb 120 no
Norwegian Nynorsk nn 110 no
Punjabi pa 100 in
Romanian ro 90 ro
Slovak sk 80 sk
Slovenian sl 70 si
Albanian sq 60 al
Serbian sr 50 rs
Somali so 45 so
Swahili sw 40 tz
Tamil ta 30 in
Urdu ur 20 pk
Vietnamese vi 15 vn
Bambara bm 12 ml
Lingala ln 11 cd
Wolof wo 10 sn
Mayan myn 8 mx
Inuktitut iu 7 ca
Romani rom 6 ro
Amharic am 5 et
Sundanese su 4 id
Zulu zu 3 za
Luxembourgish lb 2 lu
Mossi mos 1 bf
Lingala ln 11 cd
Bambara bm 12 ml
Afrikaans af 13 af
Mongolian mn 14 mn
Khmer kh 15 kh
Limburgish li 16 be
Square Style (click to expand)

Below is a screenshot of the alternative Square (square) style which can be set via the style template variable.

Half Style (click to expand)

Below is a screenshot of the alternative Half (half) style which can be set via the style template variable.


The below YAML in your config.yml will create the overlays:

      - default: languages
  TV Shows:
      - default: languages
      - default: languages
          builder_level: season
      - default: languages
          builder_level: episode

Template Variables

Template Variables can be used to manipulate the file in various ways to slightly change how it works without having to make your own local copy.

Note that the template_variables: section only needs to be used if you do want to actually change how the defaults work. Any value not specified will use its default value if it has one if not it's just ignored.

Variable Lists (click to expand)
  • File-Specific Template Variables are variables available specifically for this Kometa Defaults file.

  • Overlay Template Variables are additional variables shared across the Kometa Overlay Defaults.

  • Overlay Text Template Variables are additional variables shared across the Kometa Text Overlay Defaults.

Default Template Variable Values (click to expand)
Variable Default
horizontal_offset 15/206/397/588/779
horizontal_align left/right/center
vertical_offset 15/76/137/198/259
vertical_align top/bottom/center
back_color #00000099
back_radius 26/
back_width 190
back_height 105
back_align left/right
font fonts/Inter-Bold.ttf
font_size 50
Variable Description & Values
languages Description: Controls which Languages will be active.
Default: ["en", "de", "fr", "es", "pt", "ja"]
Values: List of ISO 639-1 Codes for the Languages desired
use_subtitles Description: Controls if the overlay is based on subtitle language instead of audio language.
Values: true to look at subtitle language instead of audio language
builder_level Description: Choose the Overlay Level.
Values: season or episode
horizontal_position Description: Choose the horizontal position for the flag group.
Default: left
Values: left, left2, center, center_left, center_right, right or right2
vertical_position Description: Choose the vertical position for the flag group.
Default: top
Values: top, top2, top3, center, center_top, center_bottom, bottom, bottom2 or bottom3
overlay_limit Description: Choose the number of overlay this queue displays.
Default: 3
Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
group_alignment Description: Choose the display alignment for the flag group.
Default: vertical
Values: horizontal, or vertical
style Description: Controls the visual theme of the overlays created.
roundRound Theme
squareSquare Theme
halfSquare Flag with Round Background
flag_alignment Description: Controls the flag alignment in the backdrop.
Default: left
Values: left or right
offset Description: Controls the offset between the flag and the text.
Default: 10
Values: Any Integer 0 or greater
use_lowercase Description: Controls if the overlay display is in lowercase.
Values: true to use lowercase text
position Description: Use the Custom Given Queue instead of the the provided Queues.
Values: List of Coordinates
country_<<key>>1 Description: Controls the country image for the Overlay.
Default: Listed in the Table above
Values: ISO 3166-1 Country Code for the flag desired
weight_<<key>>1 Description: Controls the weight of the Overlay. Higher numbers have priority.
Values: Any Number
  1. Each default overlay has a key that when calling to effect a specific overlay you must replace <<key>> with when calling.

When something in this table is noted as expecting a number, that number is expressed in pixels, assuming an image 1000x1500 in size. If the number is an offset, the value is relative to the corresponding alignment. Percentages are also relative to the alignment.

For example:

      - default: resolution
          horizontal_align: left
          horizontal_offset: 247
          vertical_align: bottom
          vertical_offset: 40%
That would place the resolution overlay 247 pixels in from the left edge of the poster, and 40% of the way up from the bottom.

      - default: resolution
          back_width: 198
          back_height: 47
That would set the resolution overlay background to 198 pixels wide by 47 pixels high.

Color values should be wrapped in quotes in the YAML, as the # denotes a comment in YAML and if left unquoted will prevent the value from being seen by Kometa.

File paths need to be valid in the context where Kometa is running; this is primarily an issue when running in docker, as Kometa inside the container cannot see host paths.

Variable Description & Values
use_<<key>>1 Description: Turns off individual Overlays in a Defaults file.
Values: false to turn off the overlay
file Description: Controls the images associated with all the Overlays to a local file.
Values: Filepath to Overlay Image
file_<<key>>1 Description: Controls the image associated with this key's Overlay to a local file.
Values: Filepath to Overlay Image
url Description: Controls the images associated with all the Overlays to a url.
Values: URL to Overlay Image
url_<<key>>1 Description: Controls the image associated with this key's Overlay to a url.
Values: URL to Overlay Image
git Description: Controls the images associated with all the Overlays to the git repo.
Values: Git Path to Overlay Image
git_<<key>>1 Description: Controls the image associated with this key's Overlay to the git repo.
Values: Git Path to Overlay Image
repo Description: Controls the images associated with all the Overlays to a custom repo.
Values: Repo Path to Overlay Image
repo_<<key>>1 Description: Controls the image associated with this key's Overlay to a custom repo.
Values: Repo Path to Overlay Image
horizontal_offset Description: Controls the Horizontal Offset of this overlay. Can be a %.
Values: Number 0 or greater or 0%-100% [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
horizontal_align Description: Controls the Horizontal Alignment of the overlay.
Values: left, center, or right
vertical_offset Description: Controls the Vertical Offset of this overlay. Can be a %.
Values: Number 0 or greater or 0%-100% [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
vertical_align Description: Controls the Vertical Alignment of the overlay.
Values: top, center, or bottom
back_color Description: Controls the Backdrop Color for the Text Overlay.
Values: Color Hex Code in format #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA
AA is transparency; 00 [transparent] to FF [opaque]
back_width Description: Controls the Backdrop Width for the Text Overlay. If back_width is not specified the Backdrop Sizes to the text
Values: Any number greater than 0 [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
back_height Description: Controls the Backdrop Height for the Text Overlay. If back_height is not specified the Backdrop Sizes to the text
Values: Any number greater than 0 [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
back_align Description: Controls the Alignment for the Text Overlay inside the backdrop. If back_align is not specified the Backdrop Centers the text.
Values: left, right, center, top, or bottom
back_padding Description: Controls the Backdrop Padding for the Text Overlay.
Values: Any number greater than 0 [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
back_radius Description: Controls the Backdrop Radius for the Text Overlay.
Values: Any number greater than 0 [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
back_line_color Description: Controls the Backdrop Line Color for the Text Overlay.
Values: Color Hex Code in format #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA``AA is transparency; 00 [transparent] to FF [opaque]
back_line_width Description: Controls the Backdrop Line Width for the Text Overlay.
Values: Any number greater than 0 [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
  1. Each default overlay has a key that when calling to effect a specific collection you must replace <<key>> with when calling.

When something in this table is noted as expecting a number, typically that number is expressed in pixels, assuming an image 1000x1500 in size.

Color values should be wrapped in quotes in the YAML, as the # denotes a comment in YAML and if left unquoted will prevent the value from being seen by Kometa.

File paths need to be valid in the context where Kometa is running; this is primarily an issue when running in docker, as Kometa inside the container cannot see host paths.

Variable Description & Values
font Description: Choose the font for the Overlay.
Default: fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf
Values: Path to font file
font_style Description: Font style for Variable Fonts.
Values: Variable Font Style
font_size Description: Choose the font size for the Overlay.
Default: 55
Values: Any number greater than 0 [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
font_color Description: Choose the font color for the Overlay.
Default: #FFFFFF
Values: Color Hex Code in format #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA
stroke_width Description: Font Stroke Width for the Overlay.
Values: Any number greater than 0 [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
stroke_color Description: Font Stroke Color for the Overlay.
Values: Color Hex Code in format #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA
font_<<key>> Description: Choose the font for this key's Overlay.
Default: fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf
Values: Path to font file
font_style_<<key>> Description: Font style for this key's Variable Fonts.
Values: Variable Font Style
font_size_<<key>> Description: Choose the font size for this key's Overlay.
Default: 55
Values: Any number greater than 0 [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
font_color_<<key>> Description: Choose the font color for this key's Overlay.
Default: #FFFFFF
Values: Color Hex Code in format #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA
stroke_width_<<key>> Description: Font Stroke Width for this key's Overlay.
Values: Any number greater than 0 [pixels assuming a 1000x1500 image]
stroke_color_<<key>> Description: Font Stroke Color for this key's Overlay.
Values: Color Hex Code in format #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA
Example Template Variable Amendments

The below is an example config.yml extract with some Template Variables added in to change how the file works.

      - default: languages
            - en
            - ja
          use_subtitles: true
          style: square